Hi, thank you for reaching me out.

I'm Front-end web developer since 2012, I do HTML, CSS and JavaScript for fun and for business.

I have intermediate to advanced experience with HTML and CSS, JavaScript both on client-side or server-side, GIT, DNS, AWS. I used these tools on all operational systems Windows, MacOS, Ubuntu.

Most of the time I was creating custom web layouts for desktop and mobile friendly with interactive behaviour powered by JavaScript, improving User Interfaces and User Experience, debugging web sites on multiple platforms with browser DevTools and runtime monitoring tools, testing on all spectrum of devices possible from Android to iOS, to TVs and embedded systems. I'm always looking forward to see where my web pages can be accessed properly.

I recognize there's a lot I don't know and I'm willing to collaborate with smart and ambitions individuals, teams and organizations to reach awesome outcomes.

You can find me on Linkedin, and many other websites and platforms. Download CV